freelancer in Dubai

How to be a successful freelancer in Dubai?


The freelance sector is currently the fastest-growing sector globally. In this sense, if you want to be a freelancer in Dubai, and achieve success, you must understand that it is a long road that offers many benefits and positive aspects to the life of anyone who wants to walk it.

In this article, we will talk about how you can achieve success as a freelancer in Dubai. Additionally, you will see the different benefits of developing professionally in this career. Let us take a look now:

  1. Why is organization essential?
  2. Keep all your numbers in mind
  3. When should you say no?
  4. Be proactive and grow your network
  5. Make freelancing a lifestyle
  6. How can we help you to be a successful freelancer in Dubai?

1. Why is organization essential?

When you want to go freelancing, you must give the importance it deserves to your organization. In this sense, you indeed have the freedom to be your boss. But, that has its additional workloads, such is the case of the need to be organized.

This is because now as a freelancer in Dubai you will not have a department to keep your accounts. Additionally, now you will have to take this on by yourself. Therefore, when you have to delegate or get support, you will only have yourself to rely on.

The same goes for the case in which you want to nurture and increase your freelance networking. Since you will only count on yourself to make that process successful.

At the end of the day you will realize that, when freelancing in Dubai, it is all up to you. From the process of applying for your freelance visa in Dubai to any paperwork or legal permission you need to work, you will have to do it on your own.

Therefore, it is clear that you need to be organized. You will have to deal with keeping order in both work and operational matters. To learn more about the benefits of being organized in a freelance business, we are available at Connect Freelance.

1.1 Being a freelancer is very much about order and order is very much about success

You have to try to focus on being an organized person. When you can get the job done with the highest quality and in the shortest time possible, you will realize that you have achieved success when freelancing in Dubai.

Another aspect that can tell you if you are being organized in your business. Think if you can communicate with your clients proactively. In this regard, you must have reached maturity to be able to establish links with your clients. This will allow you to follow up on invoices. In addition, you must be able to communicate proactively and positively.

All these aspects can help you in your performance as a freelancer in Dubai. After the order arrives, your clients increase. This is because people like organized workers, and when your clients increase, your freelance networking grows because the good experiences that clients have about you will spread among them like hot cakes.

You can also have all the permits related to your work, as well as you can have all the legal aspects of your business covered. But, the order in your life is established by you.

1.2 From the chaos to the order

Keep in mind that being a freelancer in Dubai means to a large extent mastering your client relationships as well as the ability to keep your filing systems, calendars, and permanent tasks in order. When you have your life organized, your work will be organized, and in the end, you will avoid chaos. After all, as a freelancer in Dubai, what you are looking for at the end of the road is the growth of your business.

Therefore, keep in mind how important it is for you to establish your workflow systems. Likewise, you should try to perfect each of these systems to achieve absolute control. This way, if you set aside time during the week to design your tasks to be done, you will be able to manage under a certain order. Consequently, you will be able to carry out all your actions according to their order of importance.

Remember that from the moment you decided to process your work permits, and even the paperwork associated with your freelance visa in Dubai, you needed to establish and follow a schedule. In this sense, everything must have an order and it is easier to try to follow it than to live in complete chaos.

The key to achieving long-term goals will always be to try with short-term goals. For example, when you start to increase your freelance networking you do it little by little, adding people one by one.

If you execute the same steps to accomplish your goals, you can also go a long way. For example, if achieving short goals every week gives you the emotional satisfaction you need to achieve bigger goals, you can easily build on that.

2. Keep all your numbers in mind

When you are learning how to start a business as a freelancer in Dubai, you need to keep several key numbers in mind:

  • The amount of money you will need to have saved up initially.
  • Your break-even point of income and the time it will take you to get there.
  • The amount of work you will need to secure to reach your income goals.

All of this may seem very obvious to any freelancer, but in Dubai, numbers always count. In this sense, you need to know the amount of effort you will apply to make it all worthwhile. You will also need to analyze if as a freelancer in Dubai, all the effort you will put in at the end will be worth the results.

Analyze well, when you are good at what you do and your skill is in demand, you will succeed in your future.  Also, keep in mind that freelancers tend to earn much more than any traditional worker in the same country. So this can be a positive aspect that encourages you because the statistics are with you.

At the end of the road, as a good freelancer in Dubai you just need to take an honest approach:

  • How long it will take you to reach your goal.
  • How you will achieve your goals.

3. When should you say no?

If you work hard, you may feel bad about turning down work. After all, it is always upsetting to think that you might lose your reputation or someone else might take what could have been your reward. However, it is extremely important to look at everything from a long-term perspective.

No one indeed likes to turn down a job that will be paid, but you should analyze several aspects:

  • Will you be able to meet the scheduled delivery time?
  • Will your performance be of high quality for that established time?

After that, the biggest question that arises when you are a freelancer in Dubai is whether you can deliver on time and on quality. However, there are other options you could consider such as outsourcing to meet these requirements.

3.1 Growing as a solo freelancer or growing as a freelancer with a company?

Remember that you can grow as a solo freelancer but it is also an option to grow as a freelancer who is in charge of a business that involves many people. In the long run, you will be generating more income for yourself and collaborating with the income of other families.

Perhaps by doing this you have not realized that you will be fulfilling the first step in the growth of your business. In this sense, your team would be growing and you as a freelancer in Dubai would be moving to a higher rung.

This also means that your work will be able to improve. In this sense, you will have the possibility to integrate with your team and deliver better results. At the end of the day, your efforts will be direct and you will have direct results and you will also have the positive addition of your employees giving their input.

Then you will achieve the management of the delivery of your projects and this is very important when you are a freelancer in Dubai. This is because, for the common citizen in general, time is very valuable.

It all depends on the ground you wish to tread. You will decide if you want to hire someone else or you can also honestly say that you cannot. In this sense many times there are new negotiations with deadlines. Either way, you will make the client notice you as an honest and responsible person. For more information related to how to grow as a freelancer in Dubai, please contact us.

4. Be proactive and grow your network

Give your network the importance it deserves. Thus, no matter where you get your customers from, whether they are friends or former colleagues, leverage all of your contacts to nurture your network.

It is vital that when you build your pool of allies, you keep that pool strong, and the key, in the beginning, is strong exposure. You must let everyone see you and know who you are. In this regard, you can use contact websites to give you much more exposure and visitors.

Learn that the most important thing is to start selling yourself, and build your name and reputation. In addition, you must make sure people need you for your excellent services. Likewise, you should try to stay organized, if it is possible. Likewise, have all your contacts in a database that you can easily access to stay close to them.

All of this is for your professional growth, as you improve your networking skills, you will find that your income will improve as well. In addition, there is another important aspect of networking: getting to know your colleagues. In this way, you should know which are your freelance colleagues who can offer the same or similar services to yours.

This is positive in case you have to turn down a job. In this way, you will be able to recommend a known colleague to your client. Consequently, your client will develop more trust with you and you will be able to strengthen those bonds. In the end, the client will be grateful for your support and may return to you. This happens when you have made the customer value your honesty and service.

5. Make freelancing a lifestyle

After you have gone through the hard work at the beginning of your professional career, everything will be easier. Consequently, you will see how the freelance style adapts to your life and you will carry it with you without any problems.

You will see that everything will spin with a new rhythm and you will feel like a fish in water. Additionally, you will see how the statistics prove that most freelancers are happier working this way instead of a traditional job.

If you follow all the tips offered and additionally look for information that will help you clear your doubts. Therefore, you will be on the road to success. Keep in mind that it is never easy to find your rhythm. Think this, with patience and perseverance, everything can be achieved.

Ask yourself the personal question of whether or not you have the right personality for this type of job. Note that being a freelancer in Dubai has its implications. Therefore, it is a very busy city with a lot of legal aspects to cover.

6. How can we help you to be a successful freelancer in Dubai?

When you work as a freelancer in Dubai you can access countless benefits. However, every startup is always complicated if you do not have the right tools and knowledge. In this sense, we invite you to know and learn more about what it means to be a full-time freelancer so you can enjoy the positive aspects of this interesting job.

The freelance world always allows you to achieve success. Therefore, thanks to current technologies, through the web, anyone can access the necessary information. With our platform, you will be able to register, contact and interact with other freelancers to get the most out of it. In the development of any procedure, whether to get a freelance visa or any permit, it is always good to have a team to guide you.

Would you like to receive more information? There is more than one way to know how to become a successful freelancer. Call us at +971 43 316 688 or you can also contact our professional team via email at [email protected].

Anyone who wants to become a successful professional should keep actively looking for greater opportunities. On, the best job offers await you. Do not wait until you find something that catches your attention; you can start now by sending your CV to the team of The Talent Point at [email protected].


  • Michelle Solon

    Michelle Solon is an experienced administrator with a passion for organization and efficiency. With over a decade of experience in administrative roles across various industries, Michelle has honed her skills in managing office operations, coordinating schedules, and facilitating effective communication among team members.

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