freelancing in Dubai

How to start your freelancing career in Dubai


The moment you decide to begin freelancing in Dubai, a world of possibilities opens up to you. In this sense, starting any profession is never easy, but with the right professional help, you can achieve success without any problems.

In this article, we will talk about how to start a freelancing career in Dubai. Additionally, we will see what it means to work in such a cosmopolitan city as Dubai and what it means to freelance in Dubai. Let us observe now:

  1. Why choose Dubai for freelancing?
  2. Why choose to work as a freelancer?
  3. What does it mean to freelance in the UAE?
  4. Professions available for freelancing in Dubai
  5. How to achieve your dream of becoming a freelancer in Dubai?
  6. How can we help you to start your freelancing career?

1. Why choose Dubai for freelancing?

One of the ideal cities around the world for freelancing is Dubai. In this city, you can find a growing industrial center. It is known worldwide as the Golden City and its economic growth is focused on multiple sectors.

All those entrepreneurs who wish to start a business have an open door in Dubai. Likewise, if you want to do freelancing in Dubai, you will have everything in your favor, since the government of the emirates has launched economic expansion policies that greatly support any freelance career in Dubai.

These decisions come under the framework of the creation of many sources of work. Consequently, what the government is looking for is the growth of the economy and an increase in its gross domestic product (GDP).

Do not hesitate to join the workforce in Dubai. The emirates offer a wealth of benefits, especially for people willing to be self-employed. Therefore, if you have thought about entering this world, the doors of the city are open to welcome you. To learn more about why choose Dubai for freelance work, we have a professional and dedicated team for you at Connect Freelance.

2. Why choose to work as a freelancer?

This type of work is recommended for those who want to be their boss. It can also be a full-time job, but with the difference that you will not be working as an employee of a company. In this respect, you will have much broader possibilities because your scope as a freelancer will be different from the approach of a traditional worker.

As freelancing in Dubai has expanded, it has generated an equally large wave of freelancers around the world. Thus, thanks to the positive aspects of the profession, more and more people are looking to start a freelance career in Dubai and around the world.

The growth has been exponential and all this is thanks to technology. Additionally, video calls and virtual conferences are the order of the day. It is so evident that freelance visa applications in Dubai have also increased dramatically, which shows that a change is indeed taking place.

Applications for a freelance visa in Dubai to practice legally have also increased. These indicators reflect the rapid growth of a workforce that was eager to come to the fore.

2.1 Benefits for freelance workers in Dubai

Several much greater benefits can benefit the number of people hired to start freelancing in Dubai, such as:

  • Flexibility in schedules
  • Work-life balance
  • Being independent in terms of having no bosses
  • More profits due to lower expenses
  • The option of multitasking (projects at the same time)
  • The possibility of creating your brand
  • The fact of not requiring office space

2.2 Benefits for companies of hiring freelance workers:

Many indicators can encourage companies to hire freelance jobs. The main indicator could be the reduction of costs thanks to the rates that freelancers manage:

  • The low cost of hiring (permanent workers tend to receive higher contracts).
  • The number of options to choose from (there is a large number of freelancers offering their services)
  • The freedom to hire expert employees legally (all those who have a freelance visa in Dubai)
  • The possibility to open up international contracting

For more information related to benefits for freelance workers in Dubai, please contact us.

3. What does it mean to freelance in the UAE?

When you make use of your freelance work permit in Dubai, you are living a unique option. You have an experience that not everyone can live. The territory of the emirates offers a wide range of facilities and modern life. In this aspect, not many countries have the luxury to offer. Likewise, in the UAE it is much easier to achieve a balance between your work life and your freelance work. This is largely due to the cosmopolitan nature of the city and the multiculturalism it offers.

Thus, it is fair to say that, when you undertake the task of freelancing in Dubai, you open up a world of possible work interactions on a cultural level, and this is not very common in many parts of the world. In short, you will be able to complete many projects. Additionally, you will have the benefit of interaction that other jobs cannot offer.

The Emirati government is looking to encourage investment, and thanks to freelancing in Dubai, they have found the right formula. People who make their freelancer careers get jobs, and the government receives revenue. The government has presented the following projects for all these reasons. With this, it is possible to offer a large number of jobs that, through digitization, are the order of the day.

At the end of the day, the creation of all these jobs can only mean positive points for the UAE. More and more international investors are interested in these new jobs. They are taking their first steps in setting up independent businesses in the nation.

Filling up with professionals and experts is a positive aspect of any territory. Likewise, it is always an incentive when freelancing in Dubai to know that you are surrounded by highly competitive professionals.

4. Professions available for freelancing in Dubai

4.1 Personal trainer

In Dubai, an extremely high percentage of freelancers, are engaged in personal training. In this regard, any social media space can be full of personal trainer offers. Consequently, it is worth noting that being a personal trainer is common when freelancing in Dubai. It is a well-paying and in-demand job. Therefore, it is important to give it proper consideration as with your freelance visa in Dubai, working as a personal trainer, you will have a good chance of achieving success.

4.2 Tutor

You can be a tutor in Dubai, you just need your residency visa and permission from your sponsor. Additionally, you will also need to prove that you are qualified for the job. You must know that tutoring is also allowed in the free zone. This is because you can take advantage of the benefits of accessing this commercial space.

There is also the possibility of working as a freelance tutor for an agency. In this sense, you will earn a little less, but you may have more job offers.

4.3 Journalist

Working as a journalist is always recognized, let alone as a freelancer. In this sense, it is highly valued that you can offer your professional services to companies without being tied to any company brand. This will allow you to have the freedom to decide to whom you offer your services and they can be very well paid.

4.4 Freelance interior designer

As people spend more and more time at home, this job has a large target audience. Also, due to population growth, spaces are getting smaller and smaller, thus a freelance interior designer will always have work.

When freelancing in Dubai, every job counts, especially, interior design. This job is practically considered an art in Dubai. This is because perceptions of design tastes are often subjective, and if your tastes are right you can make a lot of money.

People want to hire professionals who offer services tailored to modernity. In this sense, the freelance interior designer must always be at the forefront of the current design. This way you will be able to please the most demanding customers.

4.5 Life coach

In the modern world, this job is in high demand. Many people may need motivational agents. The life coach acts directly in this area, as he or she usually offers the right tools to overcome problems that people are unable to solve on their own. The salary can be very high, since, with the right contract, you can offer your services to companies or prominent personalities in Dubai.

4.6 Public Relations and Marketing professional

Public Relations and Marketing currently are communications-related titles. In this regard, it is good to note that communications professionals can earn high sums of money. If you meet the right people you easily can achieve this purpose. This happens because many expanding companies or ordinary people want to open their businesses.

But, they do not know about networking and marketing. Then the need arises to hire people to manage their advertising and public relations. Keep in mind that it is a job that demands a lot of attention, but when you do freelancing in Dubai, in a job you love, the work time is simple enjoyment.

4.7 Hairstylist

The new FZ licenses are used to the benefit of many freelancers, including makeup artists and hairdressers. The rise of beauty in modern times has made this job a well-paying necessity. In this sense, being a hairstylist can mean offering your services to celebrities or a wide variety of clients who want to look good in the UAE.

4.8 Web designer

The current digital presence of companies is undeniable. Therefore this field is very profitable for anyone who wants to do freelancing in Dubai and wants to establish themselves as a freelance web designer.

In this area, you can cover many aspects, from the technical setup of a page to its aesthetic design of it. Additionally, this is a job that you do not need to be present, and you can develop it as a true freelancer, from home or anywhere.

You will realize that if you develop your creativity, this job can be very lucrative. Therefore, focus on improving your skills as a web designer and you will be guaranteed success.

5. How to achieve your dream of becoming a freelancer in Dubai?

To get your career as a freelancer in Dubai off to a good start you must follow each of the following steps:

  • Fill out the freelance application form (form required for the approval of your license).
  • Submit your business plan. This must be attached to a copy of your passport. The documents must be together with the certificates of qualifications.
  • You must provide your NOC (No Objection Certificate). This certificate indicates the transfer from a residence visa to a freelance visa.
  • Provide a bank certificate. This certificate must indicate your satisfactory registration.

6. How can we help you to start your freelancing career in Dubai?

More and more people are sticking to the freelance model. Especially in Dubai, there is a growing movement related to freelance workers. In this sense, globalization and the digital rapprochement between people have favored this trend. Therefore, nowadays it is completely normal to decide to do freelancing in Dubai since it is common knowledge of all the benefits that this professional career offers.

If you decide to make your freelance career in Dubai, you need to have a team that will help you make the right decisions. With us, you can always have a helping hand to offer guidance when you are starting a freelance business. At the same time, you can access our market hub to establish interactions with other freelance workers. Join us now!

Are you ready to make your dreams of self-employment come true in the UAE? Contact us through our email at [email protected] to help you facilitate any paperwork and provide you with relevant information. Call us at +971 43 316 688. 

In the current times, the world economy has woken up again and with it, new job offers have come. To access the labor market and learn about the job opportunities available for you, go to We are also ready to receive your CV via [email protected]. Please note that we will not store your data for purposes other than recruitment.


  • Michelle Solon

    Michelle Solon is an experienced administrator with a passion for organization and efficiency. With over a decade of experience in administrative roles across various industries, Michelle has honed her skills in managing office operations, coordinating schedules, and facilitating effective communication among team members.

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